Sell your tickets

Can't make it to a gig?
Here is what to do.

You can use tixel. Visit tixel's page However this is not currently recommended for Megatix, the ticketing agency for Encore

Until the tixel problem, described below, has been resolved, you can sell your Megatix tickets on the FB page, "Rockingham Gig Guide" or @RockinghamGigGuide

I recently bought 2 tix from tixel for Encore. The seller had all sorts of problems. They were required to change the name on the ticket and needed my DoB.

Tixel threatened to cancel the purchase and fine the seller $25 per ticket, ie $50.
The issue is that Megatix don't allow you to change the name!
It caused the seller a lot of stress!

I am currently working on the problem with tixel to get this resolved.